domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Glory in death (glória mortal [Portuguese])

By Nora Roberts:
In: Goodreads. (2017). Glória Mortal [Bolso] (In Death #2). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2017].

Novel first published in January 1995. Book translated from English to Portuguese by Carla Ferraz. It's the second book «In death» series written by Nora Roberts under her pseudonym J. D. Robb. The next one is «Immortal in death (fama mortal [Portuguese])». The first was «Naked in death (nudez mortal [Portuguese])».
I really liked this second volume. Nora Roberts creates a delightful plot! It's fascinating how a character like Eve can deal with her police profession and, at the same time, she can trust the man she loves, who becomes one of the suspects of the crimes.
It's a detective novel in the future, «(...) in 2058».
  • «(...). The halls were narrow, as they were in most multihabitation buildings erected within the last half century. The walls (...) with mirrors at rigid intervals to lend the illusion of space.»
  • «(...) maxibuses, (...), the overhead swish of air traffic./(...)  the echoing bellow of the guides from the tourist blimps, (...) New York (...), the history and tradition of Broadway, (...) and the plug for the blimp’s own gift emporium.»
  • «A traffic hovercraft dipped low, blasted out the standard order to proceed or be cited. (...).»
  • «(...) a dog walker (...) handled a brace of elegant gold hounds with the steady aplomb of a seasoned droid. (...)./(...) emerald grass.»
  • «(...) interspace transmission.»
  • «Business crises energize me. Personal crises devastate me. The doctors call it an avoidance tendency [Mirena to Eve].»
  • «"Wait, wait. Let's do it up big. I'll send a car for you [Eve said]"./"A limo? (...) Jesus, Dallas, make sure the driver wears, like, a uniform. The people in my building will be hanging out the windows with their eyes popped out [Mavis said]."»
  • «(...) Louise tapped the pocket of her editing vest, winced. "Out of smokes."/"You've got to stop that. You know how the brass feel about employees taking health risks [Nadine said]."»
  • «(...) "People never know each other as well as they believe. Not even the people they care for. (...) [Marco to Jack]."»
  • «(...) "We make ourselves, in the long run. (...) [Roarke to Eve]."»
  • «"I would say, Eve, that you’ll be a better cop, and a better woman because of it. Single focus limits us, and can too often obsess us. A healthy life needs more than one goal, one passion [Mira said]."/"Then I guess my life’s getting healthier [Eve said]."»

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